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First Book Marketplace: Affordable Books for Educators

Mar. 07, 2024
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*LOVE2READ25 is available first-come, first-served while funding lasts. Code will apply to any items currently in stock on the First Book Marketplace. Maximum discount of $150 (code will not apply with over $600 worth of items in your shopping cart). Limited to one use per member. Offer cannot be combined with other promo codes.

Dr. Seuss (b. Theodor Seuss Geisel on March 2nd, 1904 in Springfield, Massahcusetts--d. September 24th, 1991) was an American writer, cartoonist, and poet best known for his children's books. Seuss' best known books include Green Eggs and Ham (1960), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1957), The Cat in the Hat (1957), and Horton Hears a Who! (1955), for which he provided the illustrations and text. Seuss received the Pulitzer Prize Committee's award for a Lifetime of Contribution to Children's Literature in 1984.

There's no better time to stock up on reading books than the back-to-school season, but that's not the only great time. ThriftBooks offers a huge selection of new and used children’s books that suit any occasion. Find great birthday or holiday presents with great prices every day, so you can keep readers of any age satisfied with titles that are new to them. No matter what your young reader loves, there's something in stock. From classics to new stories, science fiction to adventure in the distant past, there are genres in stock to suit any interest so you can keep young readers engaged.

Timeless Classics & Family Favorites

Buying used is a great way to stock up on cheap kids’ books, but it can mean a lot more than that. Classics that you remember from childhood have often changed covers and publishers several times over the course of a generation. Sometimes, the version of the text is even different. Buying used kids’ books means getting the chance to share the exact same experience you had the first time you read the classic stories that have been handed down to children since the first day of half penny paperbacks. Explore old favorites by Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, or even Robert Louis Stevenson, and give your young reader an appreciation for the stories that created today's top genres for kids.

Action & Adventure

Whether it's piracy on the high seas, deep space exploration, or a realm of deep lore inhabited by wizards and warlocks, kids love a story that takes them someplace fantastic. You'll find plenty to choose from in practically every action-packed genre. Recognizable names like Harry Potter and Dick Tracy are available alongside used and new copies of more recent adventures for kids so they can stay in step with the releases their friends are reading. You'll find everything from novels for your middle school reader to illustrated storybooks designed to draw in young minds when you read to them at bedtime.

Animals, Dinosaurs, Science & More

Every reader loves a good story, but for some, it's not a story of adventure that calls out loudest. Sometimes, it's the urge for discovery, to learn the stories of animals from far away, people from the distant past, or even fantastic creatures that walked the earth in prehistoric times. Browse it all, from books that take a deep dive into the habits of popular animals like pandas and koalas to illustrated guides to the solar system. Dinosaurs, machines, and other scientific topics are among the cheap children’s books in stock every day, too.

Activity Books, Coloring & Puzzles

Reading inspires imagination, but kids also need a place to create once they have an idea. Activity books are a great way to encourage young minds to play with color and form, learn new words, or work out their logic and spatial reasoning skills. When you make ThriftBooks your children's book store, you'll find activities like these available from top publishers in the field like Dover.

  • Coloring storybooks & pattern pages
  • Paper dolls & diorama construction books
  • Word searches, crossword puzzles, and vocabulary building books for all age
  • Books of hidden item search games
  • Puzzle books that challenge math and logic with fun activities kids love

There's always a little something for everyone in stock. From silent reading books that keep kids engaged to activity books that back up homeschool lessons, ThriftBooks offers you the chance to get all the children’s books you could need without breaking your budget. After you fill your cart with books for young readers, take a look at the cheap books for adults in popular categories and get yourself a treat too.

First Book Marketplace: Affordable Books for Educators

Children's Books



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