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Have FREE Books Mailed to Your Child Every Month •

Mar. 07, 2024
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Me, me, me!

As a kindergarten teacher, I am incredibly passionate about developing literacy skills in young children. The earlier kids are exposed to letters and words, the better they’re able to grasp reading concepts as they get older. Reading a variety of books to your baby or young child is also great for instilling a love of learning and curiosity before they even begin school.

So about those free books…

I am so excited to tell you about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library! Miss Dolly saw a need for better access to high-quality books for kids and began this organization in Tennessee in 1995.  Once you get signed up, they’ll send your child free books every single month from birth to 5-years-old. It’s the perfect way to build your library at home and incorporate reading into your daily routine.

To participate in the Imagination Library, you first want to use their program locator to check if it’s available where you live. I actually heard about the program when we lived in California, but it wasn’t offered in our area. When we moved to South Carolina, I checked again and they had it here! Hooray!

From there, I just filled out a registration form for each of my girls and mailed it in. It took a couple of months, but we eventually got two copies of their welcome book, The Little Engine That Could. Every child who is new to the program will receive this first!

Since then, each of my girls has gotten two more books. It’s so exciting every time we check the mail and they find a brand new book addressed to them. And they have both really enjoyed all of the books they’ve received so far. It’s evident that time and effort went into selecting beautiful books that are age-appropriate, diverse, and interesting. You can even visit their website to see their complete list of books and get an idea of what titles to expect for your child’s developmental stage.

I truly can’t believe that such an amazing program exists! If both of my girls get a new book for one year, we’ll have 24 brand new books in our library! And if you start immediately when your child is born, you could acquire 60 free books by the time they start kindergarten! Isn’t that incredible?  I definitely suggest getting started with Imagination Library as soon as possible!

Can you join Imagination Library where you live? Be sure to use their program locator and find out!

Want more posts about preparing for school? See the most important preschool skills for your little one to learn and check out how you can set up a Montessori playroom at home!

Talk to you soon!





Don’t forget about your local library as a great place to borrow countless books for free. Libraries offer lots of other free learning resources, too. If it’s hard for you to get there in person, ask your library if it has a bookmobile. There are hundreds of these in the U.S. If your library has one but it doesn’t stop near you, ask about adding another stop.

Have FREE Books Mailed to Your Child Every Month •

10 places to find free books for your child



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